Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The Story of Garfunkle

Garfunkle was born on a sunny spring day not long ago to a family of nomad lizards. As the runt of the litter, he was always fighting for attention by playing creative tricks on his brothers. A mangy lion once taught him the art of surprising others in unexpected ways. Garfunkle latched on immediately to this method of attention-getting and had fun showing up, seemingly out of nowhere to startle his friends and family.

One day, while devouring the scraps leftover from his brothers' lunch, the family moved to a new location. They didn't notice he wasn't with them, he being the smallest, after all. And he was too hungry to notice them leaving. So he was left all alone on the sidewalk just down the street from us, The Spotts Family. We, of course, rescued him and promised to help him find his family. After loading him with supplies, we sent him on to the next house to see if they knew where his family went. He'll keep traveling along, from house to house, playing his tricks along the way, until he is reunited with his family.

You're probably here, reading this blog, because Garfunkle showed up at your door. Can you help him?
Here what you do:
1. Take pictures.
2. Sign on to this blog. Go to blogspot.com and enter User name: garfunkled@gmail.com Password: passmeon
3. Post your story about what happened when you found him. (Include pictures!!)
4. Pick another family to leave him as a surprise for. Be creative and have some fun!!